Spirit Ads
Place a “Spirit Ad” in the football game day program! Get in the spirit for your football athlete, dance team, cheerleader, band, color guard, son or daughter, boyfriend or girlfriend, or a group of your friends and capture a memory of your high school years. Be creative and have some fun!!
FULL PAGE ……….. $130.00
HALF PAGE…………$90.00
QUARTER PAGE…...$55.00
It must be submitted in a high resolution (300 dpi) jpeg, tiff, pdf. Photos may be in color or black and white. All ads should be submitted in digital jpeg, tiff, pdf (high resolution 300 dpi ) (CD or email).. Ad sizes: Full page: 8.75x11.25 w/bleed or 8.5x11 n/bleed, Half Page: 8.75x5.75 w/bleed or 8.5x5.5 n/bleed, Quarter page: 4.5x5.75 w/bleed 4.25x5.5 n/bleed.
Photographers Available:
Mike Augustin mike@gamechangerphoto.com
Joy Christie christiemom2@yahoo.com
Julie Ortiz actionshotsbyjulieortiz@gmail.com
These photographers can take pictures of your football athlete and design your ad for a nominal fee to be paid directly to them. Please start early at the beginning of the summer for your ads. Don’t wait until August.
We need all ad submissions and payment by August 16.
Then email Spirit Ad to: lsfnpresident@gmail.com
NOTE: Please remember Spirit Ads are offered at a discounted rate and for individuals to show spirit. Spirit Ads are not for business ads, business ads are only offered in the program as part of corporate sponsorships.
Our Sponsors