Title Sponsorship
Title Sponsorship
- Full Page Program ad in color and Premier Ad Placement
- Full Page ad in playoff roster program
- Premier Website Recognition & Logo w/link to Website
- Program Recognition
- Team Poster
If you have questions about the levels or ads, please email LoneStarHSCorpSponsor@gmail.com.
All ads should be submitted in digital jpeg, tiff, pdf (high resolution 300 dpi) (CD or email). Many of our sponsors generate team spirit by including football players, cheerleaders and/or drill team members in their ads. If you would like to submit an ad with athletes included, please contact us and we’ll arrange for them to be present and take the picture for you.
Ad sizes: Full page: 8.75x11.25 w/bleed or 8.5x11n/bleed, Half Page: 8.75x5.75 w/bleed or 8.5x5.5 n/bleed. Quarter page: 4.5x5.75 w/bleed 4.25x5.5 n/bleed. Also, please submit your logo separate in eps format if possible or jpeg for the website. Thank you for your support!